Impact of Lean and TPM Practices on Productivity and Quality: Insights from a Peruvian Textile SME

International Journal of Industrial Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJIE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Jorge Andrés Diaz-Joussef, Luis Angel Nemi-Pinasco, Elmer Luis Tupia-De-La-Cruz
How to Cite?

Jorge Andrés Diaz-Joussef, Luis Angel Nemi-Pinasco, Elmer Luis Tupia-De-La-Cruz, "Impact of Lean and TPM Practices on Productivity and Quality: Insights from a Peruvian Textile SME," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 3, pp. 18-28, 2024. Crossref,


The garment manufacturing industry, especially small and medium magnitude businesses, is an integral part of the economy which facilitates social growth and development. However, such businesses face some operational inefficiencies, such as high defect rates and low productivity due to limited resources and poor maintenance practices. Scholars have attempted to study the challenges expected of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through lean manufacturing and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) practices, but the application remains unexplored. Using the qualitative approach, this research paper intends to develop a model suitable for SMEs that is integrated with lean tools such as 5S and working standardization, as well as TPM practices such as autonomous maintenance. The context where the model is to be employed within Peru focuses on an SME that specializes in the manufacture of polo shirts. The application resulted in a reduction of 77.63% in the number of defective products, a 27.72% increase in productivity and an 83.67% improvement in the 5S compliance level. Regarding the economic aspect of the model, the findings present measurable benefits offered by the model, creating a scalable model that aims to increase the operational efficiency of SMEs. In the end, this paper builds links and highlights areas where applications can be used and industry for marketing purposes.


Lean Manufacturing, Total Productive Maintenance, Textile SMEs, Operational Efficiency, Case Study.


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