Network Architecture and Routine Scrutiny of Multi-Olt Pon for FTTH and Wireless Sensor Networks

International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application |
© 2015 by SSRG - IJMCA Journal |
Volume 2 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2015 |
Authors : Dr.Joao Regazzini and Mr.Roine Teixeira |
How to Cite?
Dr.Joao Regazzini and Mr.Roine Teixeira, "Network Architecture and Routine Scrutiny of Multi-Olt Pon for FTTH and Wireless Sensor Networks," SSRG International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 4-7, 2015. Crossref,
A unified fiber-to-the-homes (FTTHs) and wireless sensor network (WSN) provides a profitable solution to build up an immaculate ubiquitous-City (U-city). The key objects of actual convergence of FTTH and WSN are less computational intricacy for data packet processing, little installation cost, and good quality of services. In this paper, we familiarise an integrated network structure of multi-optical line terminal (multi-OLT) passive optical network (PON) which can lodge multiple service workers in a single PON. A modified version of interleaved polling algorithm is proposed for scheduling of control messages from multiple OLTs in a single network. We also provide thorough mathematical analysis of cycle time variation, succeeding grant scheduling time, and average packet interruption for both uniform and non-uniform traffic loads generated by each ONU, using fixed service bandwidth provision scheme and limited service bandwidth sharing scheme. We also compare the throughput of the anticipated scheme with existing single-OLT PON for non-uniform traffic load using limited provision bandwidth allocation scheme. The replication results show that the proposed multi-OLT PON system can ropes prevailing bandwidth allocation schemes with better routine than the single-OLT PON in terms of average packet delay, bandwidth consumption, and throughput.
Multi-OLT PON, Network Construction, WSN, FTTH, Limited Service Bandwidth Allocation Scheme, Interleaved Polling Algorithm, Non-uniform Traffic, Packet Delay.
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