Real Time Communication using WebRTC

International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application
© 2018 by SSRG - IJMCA Journal
Volume 5 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Chandrappa D R and Dr. H S Guruprasad
How to Cite?

Chandrappa D R and Dr. H S Guruprasad, "Real Time Communication using WebRTC," SSRG International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application, vol. 5,  no. 2, pp. 4-8, 2018. Crossref,


Communication have dependably been a fundamental piece of human's life and the methods by which people communicate have advanced radically in the previous couple of years with the advancement in technology. Besides, with this quick advance in technology and with the evolvement of electronic devices like PC, cell phones, and tablets and so on the conventional techniques for communication are challenged and there is an incredible slant towards their improvement. WebRTC is by all accounts a part of this change. Along these lines, this electronic archive portrays idea of WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication), which can likewise be said the up and coming age of online communication. The real objective of this paper is to get an outline without bounds media transmission benefit i.e. WebRTC and concentrate its noticeable quality in conveying a more adaptable method for communication by empowering web browsers to give real time communication as a major aspect of its essential abilities. This paper likewise covers the architecture, browser communication and communication flow of WebRTC.


WebRTC, web browser, HTTP, VOIP.


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