No-Code Approach for Creating Virtual Stands for Professional Research

International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application
© 2023 by SSRG - IJMCA Journal
Volume 10 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Arman A. Hovhannisyan
How to Cite?

Arman A. Hovhannisyan, "No-Code Approach for Creating Virtual Stands for Professional Research," SSRG International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application, vol. 10,  no. 2, pp. 1-5, 2023. Crossref,


Virtual reality (VR) is the computer-generated simulation of an environment that can be explored and manipulated in 360 degrees using special VR equipment. It is of great interest in educational institutions because of the possibilities it enables and the novelty of the technology. However, there are still obstacles to large-scale deployment of this technology, such as a lack of customization and flexibility. This paper presents a new approach to enhancing the use of virtual reality technology in education and research. The main goal is to help specialists with no programming knowledge construct new laboratory stands. The approach considers that real-life laboratory stands are decomposed into atomic components, and programmers create analogs for these components in the virtual environment. Later on, an intuitive and user-friendly virtual environment is provided, where no programming knowledge is needed to combine the virtual components into a laboratory stand. Using this approach, new virtual components can be continuously developed to cover more and more education fields.


Immersive learning, No-code platform, Virtual laboratory, Virtual reality, Software.


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