SSRG - IJME - Volume 3 Issue 12 - December 2016
S.No | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
1 |
Vehicle Deceleration & Braking Indicator for Enhancing Safety
IJME-V3I12P102 |
2 |
Enlargement of an Intellectual and Energy Proficient Spindle System
IJME-V3I12P103 |
3 |
Best Assignment of PMU for Power System Observability
IJME-V3I12P104 |
4 |
Production of Spin Coating Machine proscribed by Arm Processor for corporeal Studies of PVA
IJME-V3I12P105 |
5 |
Double Diffusion in Cavity Due to Upper Half Concentration
IJME-V3I12P106 |