Design of Boom Attachment in Backhoe Loader to Excavate Inaccessible Location

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Kishore Krishna M, Palani P.K |
How to Cite?
Kishore Krishna M, Palani P.K, "Design of Boom Attachment in Backhoe Loader to Excavate Inaccessible Location," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 37-41, 2017. Crossref,
Backhoe loaders are used for a widespread of job like construction, small destructions, light conveyance of building materials, powering building equipment, digging holes, excavation, and paving roads. Normally, the trenches are constructed at an offset distance from road. For digging this trenches which are offset from the road, difficulty occur in placing the backhoe in position for the operation. At present, a Knuckle boom is attached to the boom for rotation of the arm. This knuckle boom able to rotate the arm only 30o and another attachment, tiltrotator is used to rotate the bucket inline to trenches and excavation is made possible, which can rotate upto 360 o. However, this tiltrotator able to dig only 2 feet depth. The aim of the project is to overcome the above problem by mounting an attachment between the boom and arm of the Backhoe loader. This attachment will enable the arm of the backhoe loader with respect to its boom to rotate about 140o. So by placing the backhoe on road, the boom can be placed on the excavation position and the arm is then rotated by means of two swing cylinders mounted in an inclined manner to place the arm inline with the trenches. The design for this attachment is done using SOLIDWORKS and analyzed by ANSYS WORKBENCH. The outcomes show that the deformation is slight. Stresses developed are less than yield strength of the material.
Offset boom Carriage, Offset boom kingpost, boom, backhoe loader, Static Analysis, Boom attachment.
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