Performance Analysis for Providing Effective Tolerance on a Link in Planer Mechanism Considering Pin-Joint Tolerances by Using Software Technology

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2015 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 2 Issue 5
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Dr. C.C.Handa, R.K.Bhoyar, S.D.Thakare, S.M.Pimpalgaonkar
How to Cite?

Dr. C.C.Handa, R.K.Bhoyar, S.D.Thakare, S.M.Pimpalgaonkar, "Performance Analysis for Providing Effective Tolerance on a Link in Planer Mechanism Considering Pin-Joint Tolerances by Using Software Technology," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2,  no. 5, pp. 31-33<, 2015. Crossref,


Mechanisms are designed for desired output or required performance for specified input. Error in link length and joint clearance results in variation in the performance of mechanism. Machines are consisting of mechanism for their successful operations. The link length inaccuracies are due to no. of factors like machining errors deflection of link, clearances in joint etc. Due to manufacturing defects & clearances, the link length varies. This variation in link length causes variations in designed performance of mechanism. In this paper a simple class I four bar mechanism is analyzed, assuming that links are rigid. Design engineer wants tight tolerances for accurate performance; while on other hand manufacturing engineer prefer loose tolerances. This paper proposes an approach to identify the effect of change in link length on the performance of the mechanism, using C# language for programming to develop software.


Mechanism, Joint Clearance, Tolerance, Performance Ratio, C# language.


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