Study on the Analysis of Excavator Boom: A Review

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2015 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 2 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2015 |
Authors : Janmit Raj, Gaurav Saxena, Rishi Kumar, Kuldeep Kaushik |
How to Cite?
Janmit Raj, Gaurav Saxena, Rishi Kumar, Kuldeep Kaushik, "Study on the Analysis of Excavator Boom: A Review," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 31-39, 2015. Crossref,
In view of the significant increase in the research activity on the excavator boom in last few years, the present article is an attempt to identify and highlight the various researches that are most relevant to excavator boom. A review of the reported studies in the field of FEA (Finite Element Analysis) consisting the design of the boom, structural analysis, fatigue analysis, modal analysis, shape optimization and CAD/CAE system integration with the required softwares for carrying out the analysis work with an emphasis on the publication in the last 13 years (2002-2015). This literature progressively discuss about the softwares, research methodology and the outcome of the discussed researches and is intended to give the readers a brief variety of the researches carried out on the excavator boom.
Excavator Boom, CAD/CAE, FEA.
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