Development of Involute Profiled Spur Gear Model with Excel Spreadsheet, Solidworks and CAD Technique

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : V Suresh Babu, Abubacker K M |
How to Cite?
V Suresh Babu, Abubacker K M, "Development of Involute Profiled Spur Gear Model with Excel Spreadsheet, Solidworks and CAD Technique," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 5-11, 2018. Crossref,
Involute curve is the most widely used curve for gears, splines, and serrations due to the ease in its manufacture. This paper attempts to calculate the X, Y, Z coordinates of an involute curve through an algorithm; using a user-friendly Microsoft Office tool, the Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet stores the algebraic formulae are pertaining to the involute that will convert basic spur gear parameters into numerous points on the corresponding involute curves. The coordinates are imported as points to get graphical interpretation through the Solidworks CAD package. These points are then represented as an "XYZ Plot" of the desired gear outline, essentially plotting each point on a Cartesian axis. Various sketch tools like rotate, mirrors, circular patterns, power trim, etc., are used to achieve a perfect 2D profile, which, when extruded, produces a 3D CAD model of the involute profiled spur gear. For evaluation, a 24 Teeth, 8 modules, 20° pressure angle Pinion was modeled. The work outcome demonstrates the Excel tool's usage to develop gear in a parametric pattern with a true involute portion of the tooth profile. The Gear models on assembly could be used in kinematics simulations, structural analysis, and contact pressure between corresponding Gears, including thermal and many other analyses.
Xn, Yn, Zn coordinates, Base circle, Involute, Excel spreadsheet, Solidworks.
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