Bamboo and Rosewood Fibres-Modified Bitumen Evaluation for Carbon Steel Corrosion Coat-Inhibition in Acidic Chloride Media

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2019 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 6 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : T. N. Guma, Abdulhakeem Abdullahi, and Atiku Salisu Ahmed
How to Cite?

T. N. Guma, Abdulhakeem Abdullahi, and Atiku Salisu Ahmed, "Bamboo and Rosewood Fibres-Modified Bitumen Evaluation for Carbon Steel Corrosion Coat-Inhibition in Acidic Chloride Media," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 6,  no. 3, pp. 14-20, 2019. Crossref,


An ascertained mild steel rod was used to machine-produced eight annular disk coupons. The coupons were procedurally cleaned to uniform smooth surface finishes in accordance with the ASTM G1 standard procedure and weighted to the nearest 0.001g. Six of the prepared coupons were similarly separately coated in pairs to an average thickness of 1.87mm withunmodified synthetic bitumen from Kaduna refinery in Nigeria and 15%bamboo and 15% rosewood weight-contained modified samples of the bitumenwhich were found to best improve physicochemical propertiesof the bitumen to practicable levels for coating applications. The coated and uncoated coupons were thereupon subjected to accelerated corrosion test by soaking them for 42 days under ambient temperatures in a very aggressive acidic chloride medium prepared by weight-determining and mixing 400,000ppm of analytical grade H2SO4 with 500,000ppm of water and then100,000ppm of NaCl in glass containers.The coupons were thereupon removed,procedurally cleaned off of the coatings and any undercoat corrosion products, and reweighed. Corrosion penetration rates of the coupons in the medium were determined from their respective weight losses and results reported in average pair values for the coating types. Collated results indicated a decrease in the corrosion rate of the uncoated steel from 0.298mm/yr to 0.134mm/yr, 0.073mm/yr, and 0.067mm/yr with coatings of the unmodified (control) bitumen, bamboo, and rosewood containedsamples respectively; resulting in protection efficiencies of 55, 75 and 78 % of the steel by the three coatings respectively.


Unsatisfactory bitumen properties, Nigerian bitumen, low exploitation, research and development, modification information, application, and steel corrosion protection.


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