Deep Cryogenically Treated Zinc Coated Diffused Brass Wire (ZCDBW) : State of the Art and Future Prospects

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Kultar Singh |
How to Cite?
Kultar Singh, "Deep Cryogenically Treated Zinc Coated Diffused Brass Wire (ZCDBW) : State of the Art and Future Prospects," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 1-6, 2020. Crossref,
This paper reviews various aspects of deep cryogenically treated zinc coated diffused brass wire in this paper. Deep Cryogenic Treatment is carried out at about −184ºC (78 K). Deep cryogenic treatment is carried at -184ºC with a soaking time of 12 hours. Specimens were cooled at the rate of - 0.51ºC/min until they reach the final soaking temperature of -184ºC. Previously, when the zinc material was not coated on the diffused brass wire, it gave the following particulars, such as the zinc diffused brass wire was cryogenically treated and non-cryogenically treated which were being used as cutting tools. Now, in this paper, we will demonstrate the coating of zinc with diffused brass wire, which will perform certain functions such as an increase in wear resistance, increase in tool life, stepping - up of the tensile strength, toughness and also includes the release of internal stresses. With the coating of zinc material with brass wire gives us increased performance and durability. If we use the zinc coated material with diffused brass wire, it will be treated as a lifetime product.
Wire Cryogenically Treated, Deep Cryogenic Treatment, Brass wire, zinc.
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