Re-design of an Aircraft Bracket Using Topology Optimization Technique

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2020 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 7 Issue 11
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Mohammed Viquar Mohiuddin, Md Muqtar Ahmed Khan
How to Cite?

Mohammed Viquar Mohiuddin, Md Muqtar Ahmed Khan, "Re-design of an Aircraft Bracket Using Topology Optimization Technique," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 7,  no. 11, pp. 42-53, 2020. Crossref,


The project's objective is to explore the possibility of using Aluminium Alloy to optimize an existing aircraft bracket using the Topology optimization technique. Topology optimization is performed using Altair Inspire software. Topology optimization is carried out with single draw shape control based on five-volume retentions each. Volume is specified as 20%, 30% 40%, 50% and 60% of the total design space volume. Post optimization analysis of all the five optimized geometries is performed. Finally, one model based on manufacturing feasibility is selected, and a smoothing operation is carried out using Polynurbs fit. SolidWorks is used to re-design the bracket by taking optimized topology design as a reference. The re-designed and original bracket prototype is printed in ABS plastic using the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technique. The re-designed model is compared with the original bracket. The re-designed model has a weight reduction of 39.18% and a significant stress reduction of 15.7%, 28.2%, 39.5%, and 28.2% in vertical, horizontal, oblique, and torsional load cases, respectively. By performing, topology optimization combined with re-design, 6.3% and 5.4% lower Displacement is observed in vertical and oblique load cases, respectively, when compared with conventional geometry


Topology Optimization, Aircraft bracket, Shape control, Aluminium 7075, Weight reduction, design, and Non-design space.


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