The Effect of Compacting Pressure On Physical And Thermal Properties of Cocoa Pod Briquette

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Saiful Huda, I Gusti Gde Badrawada, A. A. P. Susastriawan, Sri Joko Suyanto |
How to Cite?
Saiful Huda, I Gusti Gde Badrawada, A. A. P. Susastriawan, Sri Joko Suyanto, "The Effect of Compacting Pressure On Physical And Thermal Properties of Cocoa Pod Briquette," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 7-10, 2020. Crossref,
In the present work, compacting pressure on cocoa pod briquettes' physical and thermal properties is investigated. The work is initiated by collecting the cocoa pod waste from the local plantation in Yogyakarta. After crushing, the 10 mesh size cocoa pod is compacted at different pressure, i.e., 5, 7.5, and 10 bar. The physical properties of the briquette investigated are density, compressive strength, and water resistance. Meanwhile, the thermal property of the briquette investigated is a higher heating value. The result shows that the 10 bar briquette is the best in the present work. The 10 bar briquette has the highest stable density, compressive strength, water resistance index, and higher heating value. The values are 715 kg/m3. 9.82 N/m2, 98.8%, and 3660.8 Cal/g, respectively. The value of stable density and higher heating value of the 10 bar cocoa pod briquette is comparable to other biomass briquettes. Thus the cocoa pod has a good potential as a raw material in making biomass briquettes under low compacting pressure.
briquette, cocoa pod, densified, pressure, properties.
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