Installation of Suitable Sensors for Object Detection and Height Control on Combine Harvester

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Esmaeil Mirmahdi, Omid Ghorbani Shirazi |
How to Cite?
Esmaeil Mirmahdi, Omid Ghorbani Shirazi, "Installation of Suitable Sensors for Object Detection and Height Control on Combine Harvester," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 12-19, 2021. Crossref,
Nowadays, agricultural industry has a lot of advancements and all its devices are mechanized. Combine harvester is one of the necessary devices in agricultural industry. A Combine harvester is a self-motor vehicle or machine that is used to reap grains. This machine has made its own progress, but due to some weakness, it still needs to be advanced. In this paper, we will be investigated New Holland Combine made in United States. First, it examines difficulties of Combine and it has made practical and operational suggestions which can be highly productive and satisfaction for the agricultural industry. In this paper, two sensors were used and it was proposed the best place for these sensors. The first sensor (Infrared sensor) is for detecting the object and the second sensor (Infrared sensor or Ocular sensor) is the height control (regulation) sensor, which is examined the benefits of these sensors for improvement of agricultural machinery by its practical and operational test on Combine. The findings indicated that the first sensor will actually reduce the risk of life to zero and the second sensor will be full satisfaction by working of Combine device. This practical and operational work can yield full productivity. In order to further examine the benefits of the plan and the idea, diagrams were plotted that they are indicated completely satisfactory and successful after the installation of sensor on Combine.
Combine harvester, Sensor of object detection, height control sensor, progress diagram
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