Design and Fabrication of Electric Shock Protector
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Prastyono Eko Pambudi, Muhammad Suyanto, Slamet Hani, Irawadi Buyung |
How to Cite?
Prastyono Eko Pambudi, Muhammad Suyanto, Slamet Hani, Irawadi Buyung, "Design and Fabrication of Electric Shock Protector," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 5-8, 2021. Crossref,
The first step in designing of electrical shock protector is the calculation of the isolation transformer specifications, namely determining the diameter of the wire and the number of turns because the greater the power to be secured, the larger the diameter of the winding wire and the greater the current flowing into the winding wire. While the number of turns on the primary and secondary sides will be less because the cross-sectional area of the core is enlarged, and the turns/volts are getting smaller. When it is loaded, the current flowing to the human body is greater when it is touched by the neutral cable, and when it is not loaded, the current flowing to the human body is greater when it is in contact with the phase cable. Body mass index affects the amount of resistance in the human body. The human body mass index and measure the leakage current flowing in the human body when loaded and unloaded with the condition of using footwear and not using footwear to obtain a comparison of the magnitude of the current between the phase and neutral cables and to obtain the effect of the body mass index with the existing resistance on the human body. Next, calculate the diameter of the winding wire, the cross-sectional area of the core and the number of turns on the isolation transformer to secure electrical power. From the calculation results of the isolation transformer specifications, the greater the power you want to secure, the larger the diameter of the coil wire will be because the current flowing into the winding wire also increases, while the number of turns on the primary and secondary sides will be less because the cross-sectional area of the core is enlarged and the windings/ volts is getting smaller. Body mass index affects the amount of resistance in the human body. When it is loaded, the current flowing to the human body is greater when it is touched by the neutral cable, and when it is not loaded, the current flowing to the human body is greater when it is touched by the phase cable.
Electric, shock, transformer; current, resistance, wire.
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