An Experimental Study for Surface Roughness Effect on SS 316L by Copper Electrode in Biomedical Fabrication Machined using EDM

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Mohammed Imran, M.A. Saloda, B.L. Salvi, Chitranjan Agarwal, S. Jindal |
How to Cite?
Mohammed Imran, M.A. Saloda, B.L. Salvi, Chitranjan Agarwal, S. Jindal, "An Experimental Study for Surface Roughness Effect on SS 316L by Copper Electrode in Biomedical Fabrication Machined using EDM," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 11-17, 2022. Crossref,
Hydrophobic surfaces are actively studied across a wide range of applications in different industries. Now in the biomedical arena, these surfaces play a major role as substrates to control protein absorption, bacterial growth, and cellular interaction and provide a better platform for drug delivery devices. Researchers have used various methods to generate hydrophobicity on metallic surfaces which are naturally hydrophilic. Surface texture plays an important role in generating hydrophobic surfaces; these textures are fabricated by non-conventional electric discharge machining (EDM) on a metallic surface. In this work, the authors are analyzing the effects of various EDM operating parameters such as discharge current, pulse on time, pulse off time, and voltage for measuring surface roughness (SR) and contact angle (CA) on stainless steel 316 L (SS 316L). The machinability of SS 316L is investigated using a copper electrode having a 16 mm diameter to achieve the high surface roughness value. The results are observed using the surface roughness tester SJ216. The copper electrode in biomedical hydrophobic surfaces is treated as an antibacterial coating to reduce infections. The copper electrode at a high current intensity gives a high SR value. Surface roughness values are obtained from 7.47µm to 13.81µm, which shows the better roughness value for hydrophobic nature SS 316L after EDM
EDM, Biomedical implants, SS 316L, Electrode, Surface texture, Hydrophobic.
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