Automated Servo Controlled Brake Booster Characteristics Verification Test Rig Development

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : A Gopinath, S Vinoth Kumar, S Thiyagarajan |
How to Cite?
A Gopinath, S Vinoth Kumar, S Thiyagarajan, "Automated Servo Controlled Brake Booster Characteristics Verification Test Rig Development," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 8-13, 2022. Crossref,
The development of automated servo-controlled brake booster characteristics verification test rig for testing and measuring the parameters of Brake booster, Tandem Master Cylinder and Brake booster with tandem master at various vacuum condition. Existing brake booster performance test rig is manually operated, uncontrolled feed rate due to air cylinder used as actuation system, less accuracy sensors are used, testing lead time is high. Boosters return time test is measured by stopwatch, its measurements values varied based on person to person. By the existing test rig, able to measure the test parameters only for brake booster. The focus of this project is to develop a rig model based on the requirements of brake booster product specifications, simulate the brake booster mounting fixture with various boundary condition and fabrication of fixture with selection of suitable servo mechanism. To achieve accurate travel ramp rate, a servo motor with inbuilt servo drive programming unit will be incorporated.
Measurement system analysis will be taken to verify the data capturing of newly developed test rig.
Test rig, FEA Analysis, Fixture development, Booster, ANSYS, LabVIEW.
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