Design and Performance Evaluation of a Vortex Tube form by Copper Material
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 11 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Ramesh Ganugapenta, G.R.Selokar |
How to Cite?
Ramesh Ganugapenta, G.R.Selokar, "Design and Performance Evaluation of a Vortex Tube form by Copper Material," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1-6, 2018. Crossref,
Refrigeration assumes a noteworthy part in preparatory nations, essentially for safeguarding nourishment, prescription, and for aerating and cooling. Ordinary refrigeration frameworks are utilizing Freon as a refrigerant, which makes the ozone layer depletion. A broad study is happening to interchange the concept of cooling frameworks. The vortex tube is not familiar with cooling equipment but which have no moving parts. It will supply cool air and hot air in spring and winter season, without any effect as in the pieces of equipment which releases Freon into nature. At the point at which the elevated weighted air inventively infuse inside the chamber, a brawny airstream will divide into a pair of streams. The present work predominantly centers around Design and creating the vortex container of Copper material. After manufacturing, the Vortex tube's execution is assessed for various measurements of opening and channel weights. Cooling impact and Heating impact are chosen and COP as execution measures. The present investigation aims to determine the suitable orifice diameter for getting the Cooling effect and Heating effect. To find out the suitable inlet pressure for obtaining the Cooling effect and Heating effect. To validate the best material for the chosen performance measures of COP.
Vortex Flow, Orifice, Tangential Nozzle, Vortex chamber formatting
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