Thermophysical Properties of Paraffin Wax with Aluminum Oxide, Copper Oxide, and MWCNT: An Experimental Study

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Chandrmani Yadav, Milind M. Patil, Radheshyam H. Gajghat, P. Srinivasa Rao, Nandkishor M. Sawai |
How to Cite?
Chandrmani Yadav, Milind M. Patil, Radheshyam H. Gajghat, P. Srinivasa Rao, Nandkishor M. Sawai, "Thermophysical Properties of Paraffin Wax with Aluminum Oxide, Copper Oxide, and MWCNT: An Experimental Study," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 11-17, 2024. Crossref,
Energy storage is crucial to conserve energy and strive to make the most of it. PCMs (phase change materials) in the past ten years, researchers have examined a range of materials with phase changes for thermal storage of energy during the last 10 years, and Latent Heat Storage (LHS) is an efficient method for thermal energy storage. As a result, the LHS approach shows significantly higher energy storage and a slight temperature difference between heat release and storage. However, their efforts produce minor results due to poor thermophysical characteristics. In the present study, paraffin wax with 0.1% volume fractions of a phase change material, pure paraffin wax, has been compared to aluminum oxide (Al2O3), copper oxide (CuO), and other nanoparticles. Paraffin wax has a better liquid thermal conductivity than pure paraffin wax with 0.1% volume fractions of Al2O3 and CuO nanoparticles added, which improves it by 95.5% and 75.5%, respectively. Additionally, it was discovered that combining MWCNT additions significantly increased the paraffin wax's thermo-physical properties. It is known that paraffin wax based on 0.02% MWCNTs has a solid-state heat capacity that is 36.54% more than that of pure paraffin wax. As a result, paraffin waxes based on nano additions can be used in TES systems. This will improve the TES system's thermal performance, making it more suitable for use in all climates and locations without endangering the environment. It will serve as an alternative to the process of heating and cooling using fossil fuels. While research drives the development of organic PCMs and NEPCMs, there is ample opportunity for innovative thinking in the areas of energy-efficient and cost-effective cool and heat thermal storage systems. Also, the present study is fruitful for researcher scholars or industrial persons for better selection of nanoparticle-based PCMs in TES systems.
Paraffin wax, Nanoparticles, Multiwall carbon nanotubes, Thermal energy storage system, Thermophysical properties.
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