Assessing the Economic Viability of Fertilizer Production through Petcoke-Fired Boiler Flue Gas Utilization in An Indian Chemical Complex: A Feasibility Study

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 11 Issue 5
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Hardikkumar V. Mendpara, Amitkumar B. Solanki, Divyeshkumar Morabiya, Dhaval B. Patel, Amitkumar C. Gohil, Nileshkumar R. Tank, Kamleshkumar U. Ram
How to Cite?

Hardikkumar V. Mendpara, Amitkumar B. Solanki, Divyeshkumar Morabiya, Dhaval B. Patel, Amitkumar C. Gohil, Nileshkumar R. Tank, Kamleshkumar U. Ram, "Assessing the Economic Viability of Fertilizer Production through Petcoke-Fired Boiler Flue Gas Utilization in An Indian Chemical Complex: A Feasibility Study," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 5, pp. 1-10, 2024. Crossref,


This research investigates the feasibility of producing ammonium sulfate fertilizer from waste flue gas in a chemical complex setting. The analysis reveals promising results, indicating potential avenues for optimization and scale-up of conversion processes. Emphasis is placed on the scalability of production facilities and the need for comprehensive life cycle assessments to evaluate environmental impacts and sustainability. Additionally, the study recommends the adoption of Ammonia-based WFGD systems for effective SO2 emission control, aligning with environmental compliance and sustainable industrial practices. The economic potential of ammonium sulfate production as a byproduct underscores its significance in both environmental stewardship and revenue generation. Overall, the findings highlight opportunities for enhancing economic sustainability while ensuring environmental responsibility in industrial operations. Further research and strategic planning are warranted to maximize the benefits of utilizing waste flue gases for fertilizer production, thus contributing to the advancement of sustainable industrial practices.


Waste flue gas, Ammonium sulfate fertilizer, Sustainability.


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