Analyzing the Feasibility of Manufacturing Paver Blocks using Recycled Waste Plastic: A Strategic Approach to Recycling Initiatives

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 11 Issue 5
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Nileshkumar R. Tank, Kamleshkumar U. Ram, Amitkumar B. Solanki, Dhaval B. Patel, Divyeshkumar B. Morabiya, Hardikkumar V. Mendpara, Amitkumar C. Gohil
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Nileshkumar R. Tank, Kamleshkumar U. Ram, Amitkumar B. Solanki, Dhaval B. Patel, Divyeshkumar B. Morabiya, Hardikkumar V. Mendpara, Amitkumar C. Gohil, "Analyzing the Feasibility of Manufacturing Paver Blocks using Recycled Waste Plastic: A Strategic Approach to Recycling Initiatives," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 5, pp. 11-16, 2024. Crossref,


The escalating issue of plastic waste generation and disposal presents a pressing global concern, exacerbated by the exponential growth in plastic usage over the past two decades. This has led to significant environmental repercussions, necessitating effective recycling solutions to mitigate environmental impact and conserve natural resources. One promising avenue is the exploration of recycling waste plastic into paver blocks, offering potential benefits such as reducing the carbon footprint associated with cement usage in traditional paving block production. Various studies have examined different approaches to the composition, testing, and usability of these recycled plastic-based paver blocks. However, there remains ample scope for further research to optimize these methods, including exploring strategies to increase the proportion of waste plastic utilized and investigating particle size variations. Key approaches discussed include fiber addition, adjusting percentages of high and low-density polyethylene, and incorporating polyethylene terephthalate alongside traditional materials. These conclusions provide valuable knowledge on how to use waste plastic effectively in sustainable construction practices and efforts to protect the environment.


Paver block, Waste plastic, Carbon footprint, Cement, HDPE, LDPE.


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