Ginger Post-Harvest Cleaning Machine by Spraying Pressurized Water

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 11 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Jimmy Rosales Uscuchagua, Saul Gilber Yupanqui Uquiche, Cristian Jayson Rodriguez Orihuela, Rafael De la Cruz Casano
How to Cite?

Jimmy Rosales Uscuchagua, Saul Gilber Yupanqui Uquiche, Cristian Jayson Rodriguez Orihuela, Rafael De la Cruz Casano, "Ginger Post-Harvest Cleaning Machine by Spraying Pressurized Water," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 6, pp. 73-81, 2024. Crossref,


The following research work developed a post-harvest ginger washing machine to conserve and improve the quality of ginger in the province of Satipo. The harvest needs to go through a washing process to remove impurities and other residues, so the main objective of this research project was to design a ginger washing machine with an improved pressurized water system, with a horizontal drum that has turning paddles and a sample drawer for quality control, reusing the water by filtering it through a sand trap. This work was carried out by developing an adaptation of the VDI 2221 and VDI 2225 standards, resulting in 4 phases to develop the project: the first, gathering information; the second, defining the solution concept, which seeks the solution to the problem; the third, the development and design; and finally, the design/modeling of the machine using software to validate its operation. The results in the design phase determined that it should have a feeding hopper, a horizontal drum, which should handle a maximum production of 40 [kg/min], a small sample drawer at one end to check the quality of the ginger, a 4.5 hp motor reducer that is in charge of the shaft rotation drive; the recirculation and washing by means of constant pressure are handled by a ½ HP motor-pump which expels the water through an injector tube that has cuts in the shape of a cross.


Ginger, Machine, Pressure, Quality, Washer.


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