Entropy Weighted TOPSIS Taguchi Analysis of Notch Geometry on the Fatigue Performance of UNS S32760 Grade Stainless Steel

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Jagadesh Kumar Jatavallabhula, Vaddi Venkata Satyanarayana, Vasudeva Rao Veeredhi |
How to Cite?
Jagadesh Kumar Jatavallabhula, Vaddi Venkata Satyanarayana, Vasudeva Rao Veeredhi, "Entropy Weighted TOPSIS Taguchi Analysis of Notch Geometry on the Fatigue Performance of UNS S32760 Grade Stainless Steel," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 82-91, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488360/IJME-V11I6P110
In the current research, the effect of notch geometric properties on the fatigue response of UNS S32760 steel is investigated. V-Notches with different notch parameters are prepared on the specimens, and the “fatigue life” of notched specimens is compared to that of the unnotched counterpart by undertaking strain-controlled fatigue experimental runs. The “fall in fatigue life” and the “fatigue notch factor” (from FEM) are also recorded for all the specimens. Entropy-weighted TOPSIS-Taguchi analysis is carried out on the L9 orthogonal array undertaken to quantify the effect of notch geometric parameters on the fatigue performance of the chosen material. It was found that the fatigue life of the un-notched coupon was 26016 cycles under the strain-controlled fatigue test condition applied. When V-notches of different geometries were made on the coupons, the fatigue life had fallen to a least 620 cycles (Run 3), amounting to a 97% reduction when the width, depth and central angle of the notch are 1 mm, 1 mm and 360º respectively. The contribution of the depth of the notch was 34.58%, the central angle was 24.14%, and the width of the notch governed to the extent of 16.32% on the overall output responses of fatigue life, fall in fatigue life and fatigue notch factor.
Entropy weight, Taguchi method, Orthogonal array, Fatigue life, Fatigue notch factor.
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