Synergetic Effects of One and Two Dimension Nanofillers on the Mechanical Properties of Rubber Modified Epoxy Composites

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : A. Anand, J. Dharanish, Bheemraj, D. C. Madaiah, H. Hema |
How to Cite?
A. Anand, J. Dharanish, Bheemraj, D. C. Madaiah, H. Hema, "Synergetic Effects of One and Two Dimension Nanofillers on the Mechanical Properties of Rubber Modified Epoxy Composites," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 21-31, 2024. Crossref,
Graphene nanoplatelets (GnP), Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (M-cnT), and Halloysite nanotubes (HnT) exhibit a noteworthy synergistic impact in enhancing the mechanical properties of carboxyl-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile-modified Epoxy (cr-Ep) nanocomposites. These nanofillers were incorporated into cr-Ep to form mono and hybrid nanocomposites. The introduction of 1-D M-cnT efficiently inhibits the stacking of individual 2-D GnP and HnT. A high contact area is created between the GnP/HnT with M-cnT and the cr-Ep matrix by the high strength and high aspect ratio of M-cnT, which can bridge neighboring GnP/HnT and prevent their aggregation. The mechanical properties of mono and hybrid nanocomposites were characterized in this study. The results showed that the mechanical properties of nanofiller reinforced cr-Ep composites were significantly improved. The tensile strength of GnP/cr-Ep and HnT/cr-Ep composites over the unfilled cr-Ep was only 24.5% and 20.5% higher, whereas the tensile strength of M-cnT/GnP/cr-Ep and M-cnT/HnT/cr-Ep composites was 39.5% and 27.6% greater than that of the cr-Ep alone. The M-cnT/cr-Ep and M-cnT/GnP/cr-Ep nanocomposites exhibited flexural strengths of 29% and 34.8%, respectively, significantly increasing over the unfilled cr-Ep. In addition, the flexural modulus of these nanocomposites has increased by 35.9% and 33.8%. Furthermore, compared to GnP/cr-Ep, HnT/cr-Ep and M-cnT/HnT/cr-Ep nanocomposite, M-cnT/cr-Ep and M-cnT/GnP/cr-Ep composite's Izod impact energy produced superior impact resistance. The distinct structures of M-cnT and GnP considerably improved the comprehensive performance of M-cnT and hybrid reinforced M-cnT/GnP into cr-Ep composites, and the insertion of these nanoparticles realizes the effective bonding between nanofillers and cr-Ep. This work offers a novel and practical method for improving the bonding between the nanofiller and the cr-Ep composite.
Carboxyl-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile-modified epoxy, Graphene nanoplatelets, Multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Halloysite nanotubes, Mechanical properties.
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