Assessment of Sustainable Manufacturing Enablers: Pythagorean Fuzzy AHP Approach

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 11 Issue 11
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Mohammedyasin M Modan, Akshay A Pujara, Mehulkumar N Patel
How to Cite?

Mohammedyasin M Modan, Akshay A Pujara, Mehulkumar N Patel, "Assessment of Sustainable Manufacturing Enablers: Pythagorean Fuzzy AHP Approach," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 11, pp. 47-60, 2024. Crossref,


This research aims to identify the enablers of Sustainable Manufacturing (SM) adoption in manufacturing organizations and assess them according to the interrelations between each enabler. Expert opinions and a comprehensive literature search have been employed to identify the formation of contextual relationships among 28 sustainable manufacturing enablers (SMEs). The developed hierarchical model identifies the interrelationships among each SME and illustrates the contextual relationship that is constructed with the help of Fuzzy Pythagorean Analytics Hierarchical Processes. The designed mechanism would help upper management concentrate on the most essential SMEs to implement SM successfully. The outcome indicates that the primary enabler for the initialization and development of the most optimal organizational structure and culture, which can result in the successful adoption of SM, is the commitment of the top management. The findings suggest that the commitment of top management is the main facilitator for establishing and growing the most ideal organizational structure and culture, which can lead to the effective adoption of SM. Here, the deployment of SM is driven by two essential enablers: technological investment and favorable government policies. These enablers directly impact the long-term strategic objectives of SM. This investigation has substantial effects on both academics and practitioners. Academics may encourage management to classify numerous significant issues in addressing SMEs, while practitioners should concentrate on driving SMEs during the implementation of SM within their organizations.


Sustainable Manufacturing (SM), Sustainable Manufacturing Enablers (SME), Pythagorean fuzzy AHP (PFAHP), Industrial Organizations, Analytics Hierarchical Processes.


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