Experimental Investigation and Modeling of C.I Engine with Graphite Oxide Dose as Nano Particle with Ethanol Diesel Blends

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2025 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 12 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Shubhangi G. Kamble, Sachin Karale
How to Cite?

Shubhangi G. Kamble, Sachin Karale, "Experimental Investigation and Modeling of C.I Engine with Graphite Oxide Dose as Nano Particle with Ethanol Diesel Blends," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 12,  no. 1, pp. 30-42, 2025. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488360/IJME-V12I1P104


The present study conducts an empirical examination and modeling of the performance of a C.I engine when powered by ethanol-diesel mixes containing graphite oxide nanoparticles. The use of graphite oxide as a nanomaterial in fuel mixes is intended to augment the combustion properties, promote engine efficiency, and mitigate detrimental emissions. Ethanol is a potentially viable alternative fuel for diesel engines. Thus far, many strategies have been attempted, including ethanol fumigation, dual injection, and mixing. The previous methods need various engine modifications to allow the integration of extra systems into the current engines. Blending is the optimal method for replacing the present diesel fuel, provided that we prepare it according to the minimal requirements of the current diesel fuel. The blends were tested at full load, comparing key performance indicators against conventional diesel. It was observed that the BTE decreased by 21% and 9% for C6 and nano C6 blends, respectively, while BSFC increased by 39% and 14%, indicating a trade-off between fuel economy and blend characteristics. Additionally, the introduction of graphite oxide nanoparticles led to an increase in maximum pressure by 8% and 13% and a significant rise in the HRR by 118% and 129%, signifying more efficient combustion with nano C6. Emission levels also saw significant improvement, with CO emissions dropping by 62% and 92%. These results confirm that incorporating graphite oxide nanoparticles into ethanol-diesel blends offers potential advantages in terms of improved combustion efficiency and reduced harmful emissions, making it a promising approach for sustainable engine technology.


Compression ignition engine, Graphite Oxide Dose, Fuel consumption, Nanoparticles, BSFC.


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