Experimental Analysis for the Surface Roughness Improvement of Bearing Steel SAE 52100 Using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2025 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 12 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Rajendra E. Kalhapure, Gaurav Kumar Gugliani, Ravindra R. Navthar, Prashant N. Nagare
How to Cite?

Rajendra E. Kalhapure, Gaurav Kumar Gugliani, Ravindra R. Navthar, Prashant N. Nagare, "Experimental Analysis for the Surface Roughness Improvement of Bearing Steel SAE 52100 Using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 12,  no. 1, pp. 43-48, 2025. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488360/IJME-V12I1P105


52100 bearing steel is mainly used in various applications, including seal rings, sleeves, bearings, balls, bearing races, rollers, guide bars, and knives, among others. Traditional finishing processes might be difficult to perform when making diverse components in varied forms and sizes. This aims to employ advanced fine machining and finishing procedures. Magnetic abrasive finishing is one of the precision fine-finishing approaches that yield exceptionally high-quality components. This process employs a flexible magnetic abrasive brush that is guided by a DC magnetized field to achieve desired results. The magnetized abrasives utilized in this fine-finishing process generally consist of two components: ferromagnetic material and abrasive particles, which must be interconnected. In this study, 52100 steel bars are fine-finished on a Magnetic abrasive finishing setup using multiple process variables. For this investigation, an Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is used as an abrasive for this micro-finishing process. Variables such as magnetic density, workpiece rotating speed, and abrasive mixer can be easily varied to research greater surface finishes. The success of the process is determined by elements such as abrasive particle contents in mixing ratio, workpiece speed, and the input DC power source for magnetic flux density. The testing results reveal that the surface roughness of 52100 bearing steel rods improved with a high voltage of 36V and a rotational speed of 1026 rpm. Experiments demonstrate that raising the voltage and rotating speed improves surface roughness by a greater percentage.


Flexible magnetic, Abrasive brush, Magnetic Abrasive Fine-finishing, DC electromagnet, Surface roughness.


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