Design of a Portable Freight Ropeway for Transporting Construction Materials on Hillside
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2025 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 12 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2025 |
Authors : Albert Jorddy Valenzuela Inga, Rosali Ramos Rojas, Ronald Michael Villanueva Añazco, Boris Senin Carhuallanqui Parian |
How to Cite?
Albert Jorddy Valenzuela Inga, Rosali Ramos Rojas, Ronald Michael Villanueva Añazco, Boris Senin Carhuallanqui Parian, "Design of a Portable Freight Ropeway for Transporting Construction Materials on Hillside," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 68-74, 2025. Crossref,
Transporting construction materials in mountainous or sloping terrain poses significant logistical challenges due to limited accessibility. This study proposes the design of a portable freight ropeway for transporting construction materials in hillside areas, addressing the significant challenges posed by mountainous terrain where traditional vehicles struggle, as is the case of the Hill of San Cristobal in Lima, Peru. The results indicate a total weight of 580.61 N for the load-bearing cable, with a Safety Factor (SF) of 3, ensuring the system can withstand up to three times the anticipated loads. The required diameter for the steel cable, which has a tensile strength of 1670 MPa, is calculated to be 12.7 mm, while the cable tension is determined to be 633.68 N. A static simulation of the steel support trestle reveals a maximum stress of 17.52 MPa, well within safe limits, confirming the design’s integrity. Additionally, the winch power requirement is approximately 115.2 W, highlighting the efficiency of this low-tonnage design. This innovative solution adheres to the VDI 2221 standard, enhancing the practicality and safety of construction operations in remote and steep terrains, and represents a significant improvement over the traditional method.
Ropeway, Construction, Portable Design, Hillside, Safety Factor.
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