Determination of the Theoretical Digging Force of Hydraulic Excavator Using Transfer Functions of Manipulator Drive Mechanisms

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2025 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 12 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Krasimir Ganchev
How to Cite?

Krasimir Ganchev, "Determination of the Theoretical Digging Force of Hydraulic Excavator Using Transfer Functions of Manipulator Drive Mechanisms," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 12,  no. 1, pp. 83-88, 2025. Crossref,


Determining the theoretical digging force of the manipulator of the hydraulic excavator is a very important issue since it is а main characteristic of these machines. The arm and bucket drive mechanisms mainly determine the theoretical digging force. The hydraulic cylinders are included in the manipulator drive mechanisms of hydraulic excavators, i.e. they form the input force of these mechanisms. Thus, the driving mechanisms of the boom and the arm are of the type of Inverted Slider-Crank Mechanism (ISCM), and the driving mechanism of the bucket is the six-link mechanism of Watt type, composed of two sequentially connected mechanisms - ISCM and articulated Four-Bar Linkage (FBL). The proposed method uses transfer functions of the driving mechanisms to relate the input force to the output driving moment. The output moment accordingly drives the arm and the bucket, which forms the digging force of the excavator. Thus, the driving moment, resp. The type of transfer functions of the driving mechanism in dimensionless form completely describes the digging force. In the work, the transfer functions of the considered mechanisms are described, and typical diagrams of the driving moment of these mechanisms are attached, respectively of the theoretical digging force.


Digging force, Driving mechanism, Hydraulic excavator, Manipulator, Transfer function.


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