Numerical Investigation of Passive Vibration Damping Using Butyl-Viscoelastic and Particle-Viscoelastic Damping Materials

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2025 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 12 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2025 |
Authors : Anand Rengaraj, Arohan Sharma, Gaurav Sharma, A. Kumaraswamy |
How to Cite?
Anand Rengaraj, Arohan Sharma, Gaurav Sharma, A. Kumaraswamy, "Numerical Investigation of Passive Vibration Damping Using Butyl-Viscoelastic and Particle-Viscoelastic Damping Materials," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 17-22, 2025. Crossref,
This study investigates the damping performance of Viscoelastic Damping Materials (VDM) and Particle-Enhanced VDM (P-VDM) in various configurations, including Free Layer Damping (FLD), Constrained Layer Damping (CLD), and multilayer CLD structures. Modal and harmonic response analyses were conducted on a steel beam with and without damping treatments to evaluate vibrational performance. The results show that incorporating P-VDM significantly improves damping efficiency, reducing deformation and vibrational amplitudes more effectively than traditional VDM. A five-layer CLD structure using P-VDM exhibited the best results, with maximum deformation reduced to 0.45 mm and resonance frequencies shifted to 730 Hz. Harmonic response analysis revealed a reduction in peak amplitude to 1580 mm/N with stabilization at 400 mm/N, demonstrating exceptional energy dissipation. These findings highlight the potential of P-VDM in advanced vibration control applications, particularly in multilayer configurations.
Vibration damping, CLD, FLD, Viscoelastic material, Modal analysis, Harmonic analysis, Butyl rubber.
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