Multi-Objective Optimization of Bead Morphology Using 1.36 Cr-0.5 Mo Steel Metal-Cored Wires for GMAW-Based WAAM

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2025 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 12 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2025 |
Authors : Prerna Shah, Vyomesh Buch, Jay Vora |
How to Cite?
Prerna Shah, Vyomesh Buch, Jay Vora, "Multi-Objective Optimization of Bead Morphology Using 1.36 Cr-0.5 Mo Steel Metal-Cored Wires for GMAW-Based WAAM," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 58-74, 2025. Crossref,
The prime aim of the present investigation was to optimize the process variables to achieve optimum performance of the Gas Metal Arc Welding technique (GMAW) of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) using Metalloy 80B2 (1.00-1.50% chromium and 0.50% molybdenum steel), a gas-shielded metal-cored wire. The impact of variation in input variables (travel speed, shielding gas composition and voltage) was investigated in terms of Bead Width (BW), Bead Height (BH), and Depth of Penetration (DOP) of bead deposition. The Box Behnken Design of response surface methodology was used to obtain the optimum combination of input parameters for experimentation. The significance and adequacy of correlation developed from the outcomes of experimentation were verified using ANOVA. The travel speed was found to be a more important parameter for DOP and BH, whereas voltage for BW. The main effect and residual plots were studied to identify the most significant influencing independent variable on the response and assess the quality of developed correlations (for DOP, BH, and BW). The Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) was used to find the optimum condition of input variables to achieve the best response. The optimum value of input parameters from GRA was obtained: voltage = 26 V, travel speed = 6 mm/s, and 5% CO2 in the gas mixture. For the optimum input parameters obtained from GRA, the experimental work was conducted, and an average discrepancy in the result of experimentation was found to be less than 6%. The multilayer structure obtained from experimentation with the optimum parameter was free from disbanding.
Metal cored wire, Minitab software, Low alloy steel, Wire arc additive manufacturing, Response surface methodology.
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