Investigation of Sequential Port Fuel Injection over Manifold Fuel Injection to Evaluate Combustion and Emission Parameters in Spark Ignition Engine Using Hydrogen Enriched CNG Blends

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2025 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 12 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2025 |
Authors : Pravin Nitnaware, Vishal Meshram, Ravikant Nanwatkar, Amit R. Patil |
How to Cite?
Pravin Nitnaware, Vishal Meshram, Ravikant Nanwatkar, Amit R. Patil, "Investigation of Sequential Port Fuel Injection over Manifold Fuel Injection to Evaluate Combustion and Emission Parameters in Spark Ignition Engine Using Hydrogen Enriched CNG Blends," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 88-106, 2025. Crossref,
The demand for clean and eco-friendly fuels has driven extensive research on hydrogen blended natural gas in Spark Ignition (SI) Engines. This study investigates the performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of a 10 % Hydrogen blend in a 3-cylinder SI engine utilizing both Sequential-Port-Fuel-Injection (SPFI) and Conventional-Manifold -Fuel- Injection (CMFI) systems. Experiments were conducted at Wide Open Throttle (WOT) and Minimum advance for Best Torque (MBT) Spark Timing across engine speeds of 2000-4000 rpm under varying loads using an eddy-current dynamometer. The results indicate that SPFI enhances power output, Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) and combustion characteristics while reducing Hydrocarbon (HC) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions. However, it also leads to increased Nitrogen Oxides (Nox) emissions. In contrast, CMFI exhibited higher Break-Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) and lower Nox emissions due to reduced volumetric efficiency and natural aspiration constraints, leading to a decrease in power and efficiency. Key combustion parameters, including in-cylinder pressure, Rate of Pressure Rise and Net Heat Release Rate, were also analyzed. The study provides valuable insights into the impact of injection strategies on HCNG combustion, offering potential pathways for optimizing fuel delivery systems in SI engines for improved efficiency and emission control.
HCNG Blends, SPFI, CMFI, Nox, NHRR, Pmax.
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