An Experimental Comparison of Permanent Magnetic Bearing and Deep Groove Ball Bearing

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Rohit K. Nakum, Bharat S. Patel, Jayantilal P. Hadiya |
How to Cite?
Rohit K. Nakum, Bharat S. Patel, Jayantilal P. Hadiya, "An Experimental Comparison of Permanent Magnetic Bearing and Deep Groove Ball Bearing," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 6-12, 2017. Crossref,
In today’s era, high-speed and highprecision is the main requirement of any rotating machinery. Ball bearings are the main element used to support this rotating machinery. Ball bearings have some limitations like it requires lubrication, more friction, heat generation during operation and less efficient in space applications. Permanent magnetic bearing (PMB) is capable to operate without lubrication, non-contact operation and with less magnetic resistance, no heat generation and less noisy. This research work presents the experimental comparison of deep groove ball bearing and permanent magnetic bearing. Permanent magnetic bearing is designed and developed to evaluate performance of it. Experimental work is carried out on permanent magnetic bearing as well as deep groove ball bearing with the help of experimental setup to find static magnetic resistance and resistance torque. The magnetic resistance and torque of permanent magnetic bearing are experimentally evaluated and compare that of with static friction coefficient and frictional torque of six deep groove ball bearings (SKF, FLT, HCH, MAG, NBC, and NSK) Experimental results shows that the permanent magnetic bearing having six times less static magnetic resistance than the lowest static friction bearing FLT bearing. Permanent magnetic bearing having 1.9 times less magnetic resistance torque than the lowest frictional torque bearing SKF at a speed of 597 RPM.
Permanent Magnetic Bearing (PMB), Static Friction, Magnetic Resistance, Frictional Torque, Magnetic Resistance Torque
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