Conceptual Design and Analysis of an All-Terrain Vehicle Roll Cage

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : S.Venkatesh, R.Soundararajan, P.Ashoka Varthanan |
How to Cite?
S.Venkatesh, R.Soundararajan, P.Ashoka Varthanan, "Conceptual Design and Analysis of an All-Terrain Vehicle Roll Cage," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 7-21, 2017. Crossref,
Roll cage is a significant structure of an All-terrain Vehicle (ATV) for safety, ergonomics and aesthetic appearance. Roll cage functions as a frame for supporting the body and diverse subsystems of the ATV. Roll cage of the ATV should endure the shock, twist, load, vibration and other stresses during competing. The main make of this effort is to design a roll cage based on definite rules of SAE BAJA to accommodate driver securely, ergonomically design, appropriate material selection with well balance high strength to weight ratio, least possible number of roll cage member and also to achieve an adequate factor of safety. To attain all the above said factors optimal design, analysis and material selection is mandatory. The prime objective of proposed work is, conceptual design and analysis of ATV roll cage is done. It is very vital to check all failure modes of roll cage. Various designed roll cage is taken for analysis for front impact, rear impact and side impact, to get optimal design based on the analysis for the stress, deformation and factor of safety values. The following objective of the proposed work is appropriate material selection, by changing the various suitable low density material in roll cage, yields weight reduction, which leads to better performance of the ATV. For the proposed four various design, analysis were done for front impact, rear impact and side impact. From this four models, Model 4 is an optimal roll cage based on stress, deformation and factor of safety values. Then, for this optimal model different material grades have been incorporated and analysis have been done. From this different analysis of various material grades, ASTM 181 material grade is suitable for ATV roll cage because of better in weight to strength ratio and cost factor.
ATV, Roll cage, Analysis, Stress, Deformation, Factor of safety
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