Use of Herbal Drugs and its Effect on CD4 Count in HIV Infected Individuals Taking Antiretroviral Therapy in Pune

International Journal of Medical Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJMS Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : A.V.Kadam, M.V.Ghate, V.Chinchkar, S.G.Gurav and R.R.Gangakhedkar |
How to Cite?
A.V.Kadam, M.V.Ghate, V.Chinchkar, S.G.Gurav and R.R.Gangakhedkar, "Use of Herbal Drugs and its Effect on CD4 Count in HIV Infected Individuals Taking Antiretroviral Therapy in Pune," SSRG International Journal of Medical Science, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 4-8, 2018. Crossref,
Background: Herbal drugs are considered safe hence used for increasing immunity and cure of HIV concurrently with antiretroviral therapy (ART). Our study focused on the reasons, frequency and the type of herbal formulations used by PLHA on Antiretroviral therapy. Methodology: HIV infected individuals reporting use of herbal formulations were administered a structured questionnaire after obtaining written informed consent. Variables such as age, gender and duration of ART duration were used in matching controls taking ART alone from our free ART centre in Pune. Their data on ART and CD4 counts was extracted from the data cards provided by the programme. Results : Thirty six patients were taking a herbal powder dispensed in paper envelopes without any labels from the same source (A herbal drug shop) for increasing CD4 count along with ART. There was significant rise in median CD4 count in both the groups viz. patients taking ART + Herbal powder and patients taking ART alone. (p= 0.024 and p=0.008 respectively) However there was no difference in the increase in median CD4 count between those who received herbal drugs and those who did not in addition to ART. (P=0.399) . Conclusion: Educated PLHIV taking herbal drugs with unknown ingredients for increasing immunity is significant. Herbal drugs needs to be investigated in clinical trials for their efficacy in increasing immunity but also for drug interactions with antiretrovirals.
Herbal drugs, CD4 count, HIV, ART
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