Evaluation of Complication Associated with Post Circumcision Anti-Biotic use in Male Children in a Rural Hospital

International Journal of Medical Science
© 2018 by SSRG - IJMS Journal
Volume 5 Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Okoi, Nta Obono Ayuke,A.E. and Inyang, A.W
How to Cite?

Okoi, Nta Obono Ayuke,A.E. and Inyang, A.W, "Evaluation of Complication Associated with Post Circumcision Anti-Biotic use in Male Children in a Rural Hospital," SSRG International Journal of Medical Science, vol. 5,  no. 8, pp. 23-25, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939117/IJMS-V5I8P105


Background: It is generally accepted that earlier complications like bleeding, infections and long duration of pain occurs in male circumcision when the surgical removal of the foreskin is carried out in any unhygienic environment like most of the rural environments. Objectives: To evaluate the complications associated with post circumcision antibiotic use in males in a rural hospital. Method: One hundred and fifty male children brought from outside/delivered at Comprehensive Health Center, Okoyong were reviewed/indexed complications related to post circumcision antibiotic use from 1st January, 2016 to December, 31st 2017. Age for the male children was considered to be from 8 days to 14 days old. Ninety circumcised male children were given antibiotics after the operation and sixty male children were not given antibiotics after the operation. The data collected was analyzed using Student T-test and Chi square X2 to find the significant difference of the study. Results: Among the hundred and fifty male children recruited, 90 (60%) were given antibiotics after the operation, 3 complications at the percentage rate of (0.034%) was recorded. This includes (2.2%) mild bleeding and 1 (1.1%) pain within 12 hours of operation was recorded and they required no intervention. By contract, the 60 male children without antibiotics; 12 complications at the percentage rate of (0.25%) was recorded. These includes 2 (3.3%) mild bleeding, 1(1.6%) pain within 12 hours, 5 (8.3%) infection, 1(1.6%) wound breakdown and 3 (5.0%) pain after 72 hours demonstrated by the increased heart rate, respiratory rate and sleeplessness. They required intervention in the hospital; there was significant difference between the intervention group and the control group (0.034% vs 0.25%; p≤0.020). Conclusion: This study found an association between the intervention group and the control group. Consequently, the use of antibiotic after male circumcision in the rural areas can be judged to be more beneficial in male circumcision in the rural hospitals.


Evaluation, complication, post circumcision anti-biotic, male children, rural hospital


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