Persistent Müllerian Ducts Syndrome: A Case Report
International Journal of Medical Science |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJMS Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Hadeel A. Yasseen, Mahdi A Hama, Ghasak Ghazi Faisal |
How to Cite?
Hadeel A. Yasseen, Mahdi A Hama, Ghasak Ghazi Faisal, "Persistent Müllerian Ducts Syndrome: A Case Report," SSRG International Journal of Medical Science, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1-3, 2019. Crossref,
Persistent mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is usually an accidental finding during routine inguinal hernia repair in male patients. Intraoperatively, mullerian remnants consisting of an infantile uterus and fallopian tubes are usually found. Herein we report a case of PMDS in a 3-year-old boy presenting with unilateral undescended testes.The right testis was not palpable and the diagnostic ultrasound shows a non-visualized right testis neither in scrotum nor in the right inguinal region.
Persistent mullerian duct syndrome, Hernia uteri inguinale, anti-mullerian hormone, cryptorchidism.
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