Bleaching For Smile –A Case Report
International Journal of Medical Science |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJMS Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Dr.Yesh Sharma,Dr.Aniyo Radhe ,Dr.Preeti Kaur ,Dr.Sourav Kanti Bishnu |
How to Cite?
Dr.Yesh Sharma,Dr.Aniyo Radhe ,Dr.Preeti Kaur ,Dr.Sourav Kanti Bishnu, "Bleaching For Smile –A Case Report," SSRG International Journal of Medical Science, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 12-13, 2019. Crossref,
Tooth discoloration nowadays is common esthetics problem faced by many people due medical problems or due to habits . Whenever teeth get discolour ,bleaching always comes first in our mind . Now a day’s patients demand quick results, Due to availability of in-office bleaching techniques helping dentist to overcome patients demands such as immediate results and less painful . Since few years self activated bleaching agents are more popular and more effective than other bleaching agents .
In office Bleaching, N M Z New Teeth Whitening Fine Dental Tooth Cleaner Whitening System , Discoloration
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