Customized Posterior Split Cast Post Core System To Amend Treatment Outcome
International Journal of Medical Science |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJMS Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Rashmi Saini, Krati Mishri, Kottor JLH |
How to Cite?
Rashmi Saini, Krati Mishri, Kottor JLH, "Customized Posterior Split Cast Post Core System To Amend Treatment Outcome," SSRG International Journal of Medical Science, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 4-6, 2020. Crossref,
Grossly decayed teeth are a frequent occurrence in young patients and are mainly associated with excessive intake of sweets. A grossly decayed posterior molar poses problems in restoring like multiple and bifurcated roots, access and visibility and at times inadequate crown height. We present a case of a young adult female patient who wished to have a fixed partial denture for her mandibular kennedy class 3 partial edentulous situation. Gross destruction of molar contraindicated its use to act as a supporting abutment for a fixed partial denture. A uniquely designed foundation restoration in the form of a split cast post core was fabricated to save the tooth and fulfill its role as an abutment for a four unit fixed partial denture. The post core was designed to accommodate a hole within it, through which a pin would run to engage a differently inclined root canal. The entire fixed partial denture was fabricated using porcelain fused to metal restorations. The patient was highly satisfied with the treatment outcome.
metal, ceramic, fixed partial denture, post core, endodontic, full metal crown
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