Ct Imaging a Platinum Standard Technique to Diagnose Acute Pancreatitis

International Journal of Medical Science
© 2016 by SSRG - IJMS Journal
Volume 3 Issue 11
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : Dr Siddesh M.B., Dr Jeevika M.U. and Dr Parveen Chandna
How to Cite?

Dr Siddesh M.B., Dr Jeevika M.U. and Dr Parveen Chandna, "Ct Imaging a Platinum Standard Technique to Diagnose Acute Pancreatitis," SSRG International Journal of Medical Science, vol. 3,  no. 11, pp. 1-8, 2016. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939117/IJMS-V3I11P101


Treatment of patients suffering from acute pancreatitis is beset with initial assessment of disease severity and diversity. Several factors attribute to cause acute pancreatitis which include alcohol, cholelithiasis, trauma, iatrogenic (e.g.post-ERCP) as well as malfunctioning of metabolism in the form of hyperlipidaemia and hypercalcaemia. Infections alike mumps and cytomegalovirus could also be the casuative agents of pancreatitis. Staging at an early period is proportionally related to presence and degree of systematic failure (cardiovascular ,pulmonary ,renal ) and severity and extent of pancreatic necrosis in a tremendous form. Severe pancreatitis is prevalent in 20 -30 % population of patients inflicted with acute pancreatitis and is characterized by protracted clinical course, multiorgan failure and pancreatitic necrosis . Some specified peculiar drugs don’t lag behind to damage pancreas to a considerable extent due to their side effects on this vital and sensitive organ. Only In 10–30% of cases no virtual change has ever been noticed, thus apparently the same disorder may be categorized under idiopathic pancreatitis, although severe abnormality due to congenital duct anomalies cannot be ruled out. Capacity and potential for complete healing associated with inflammation of pancreas has been especially noticed in the patients aging about 60 years. Pathophysiology reveals pancreatic auto digestion with activated pancreatic enzymes escaping the ductal system and lysing tissue of pancreas and adjacent organs. CT imaging should be repeated if clinical picture envisages abrupt changes, such as occurrence of sudden or intermittent fever or drop in haematocrit.


Oedema, Necrosis, Pancreatitis, Contrast enhanced computed tomography, Peripancreatic, Walled-Off Necrosis, Pseudocyst.


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