SSRG International Journal of Material Science and Engineering ( IJMSE )

Editor in Chief | Dr. Elsalosy Mohamed Elamin Mukhtar |
Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of | |
Kordofan, Turkey. | |
ISSN | 2394-8884 |
Publication Frequency | 3 Issue per Year |
Publisher | Seventh Sense Research Group® |
Paper Submission id | |
SSRG International Journal of Material Science and Engineering ( SSRG - IJMSE ) is a scholarly double-blind peer-reviewed research publishing Journal.
Aim and Scope:
SSRG International Journal of Material Science and Engineering - IJMSE provides an international medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies and reviews related to the electronic, electrochemical, ionic, magnetic, optical, and biosensing properties of materials in bulk, thin film and particulate forms. And also provides an international medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies related to the load-bearing capacity of materials as influenced by their basic properties, processing history, microstructure and operating environment. Also should include scientific and/or engineering factors which affect the microstructure - strength relationships of materials and report the changes to mechanical behavior.
The journal publishes reviews, full-length papers, and short Communications recording original research results on, or techniques for studying the relationship between structure, properties, and uses of materials. The subjects are seen from international and interdisciplinary perspectives covering areas including metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, electrical materials, composite materials, fibers, nanostructured materials, nanocomposites, and biological and biomedical materials (the interface of the biomedical sciences and materials engineering). The journal Papers dealing with synthesis, processing, characterization, structure, physical properties and computational aspects of nano-crystalline, crystalline, amorphous and glassy forms of ceramics, semiconductors, layered insertion compounds, low-dimensional compounds and systems, fast-ion conductors, polymers and dielectrics are viewed as suitable for publication. Articles focused on nano-structured aspects of these advanced solid-state materials will also be considered suitable.
Papers are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics:
- Bio-Inspired Materials and Systems
- Ceramic Science and Engineering
- Characterization and Microscopy
- Computational Material Science and Engineering
- Corrosion
- Crystallography
- Electronics and Photonics
- Energy Production and Storage
- Energy Systems
- Graphene Imaging Techniques
- Green Technologies
- Kinetics
- Mechanical Properties of Materials
- Metallic Materials
- Microstructure
- Nanostructured Materials
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Polymers and Plastics
- Processing and Manufacturing
- Processing of Micro and Nanoscale Materials
- Quantum Mechanics
- Semiconductor Physics and Devices
- Solid-State Chemistry
- Welding Engineering
Authors Geographical Coverage :
Pakistan, Japan, Sudan, Ukraine, Bosnia, Nigeria, Bangladesh, India, etc.