Use of Hollomon equation in combination with conventional equation, for finding change in strain hardening exponent value, among differently aged and tensile tested maraging steel samples

International Journal of Material Science and Engineering |
© 2016 by SSRG - IJMSE Journal |
Volume 2 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2016 |
Authors : Bineeth Benny |
How to Cite?
Bineeth Benny, "Use of Hollomon equation in combination with conventional equation, for finding change in strain hardening exponent value, among differently aged and tensile tested maraging steel samples," SSRG International Journal of Material Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 6-7, 2016. Crossref,
strain hardening exponent can be found using all the available tensile data such as Tensile strength, 0.2% yield strength and Strain at fracture. And compare the heat treated sample for change in strain hardening exponent.
Hollomon equation, Strain hardening exponent, Compare aged samples .Calculating the change in length. Fracture toughness from tensile data, Hahn and Rosen field equation.
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