The Relationship between Workplace Incivility and Work Engagement as Perceived by Staff Nurses at a Selected Hospital
International Journal of Nursing and Health Science |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJNHS Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Sahar Hassan Aly EL Banan, Amany Ahmed Abdrbo |
How to Cite?
Sahar Hassan Aly EL Banan, Amany Ahmed Abdrbo, "The Relationship between Workplace Incivility and Work Engagement as Perceived by Staff Nurses at a Selected Hospital," SSRG International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 2020. Crossref,
A. Background: Positive outcomes as increasing organizational productivity is a result of nurses’ work engagement; therefore, it is necessary to promote the work engagement of staff nurses. To achieve this, the primary step is to recognize the factors that are influencing nurses’ work engagement.
B. Aim: Research investigated the relationship between workplace incivility and work engagement as perceived by staff nurses at the selected hospital.
C. Setting: This study was conducted at the Internal Medicine of El Kaser Al Aini hospital.
D. Design: Descriptive correlation design -Cross-sectional.
E. Sample: All nurses were included. Their total number was (n=90) nurses.
F. Tools: Data were collected by utilizing two tools: I- The first tool was the Nursing Incivility Scale, and II- The second tool was the Work Engagement Questionnaire.
G. Results and conclusion: Research declared a statistically significant negative correlation between workplace incivility and work engagement as perceived by staff nurses. Moreover, there was a statistically significant negative correlation between all subscales of work engagement (vigor, dedication, and absorption) and subscales of workplace incivility (hostile climate, incivility from physicians, patients, and other nurses).
H. Recommendations: Organizations are responsible for protecting staff nurses from workplace incivility and its negative impacts, so clear procedures and protocols for reporting uncivil behaviors should be available. Continuous monitoring of the incidence of workplace uncivil behaviors and trying to solve the causative factors would be useful in improving staff nurses’ work engagement, which patient care services.
Workplace incivility, Work engagement
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