Descriptive Correlational Study to Assess the Stigma, Burden, and Quality of Life Among the Wives of Alcohol Dependents in Selected Areas of Kuppam, Chittoor district Andhrapradesh

International Journal of Nursing and Health Science |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJNHS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Premalatha, Sreedevi, Balalakshmi |
How to Cite?
Premalatha, Sreedevi, Balalakshmi, "Descriptive Correlational Study to Assess the Stigma, Burden, and Quality of Life Among the Wives of Alcohol Dependents in Selected Areas of Kuppam, Chittoor district Andhrapradesh," SSRG International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 8-12, 2022. Crossref,
Alcoholism is a major public health problem worldwide; in India, around 33% of its population consumes alcohol. Alcoholism is considered to be a prime stressor, not only for the individual who consumes alcohol but also for wife, family members, and relatives as well1 Alcoholism spreads all over the world, from state to state, from the entire country, affecting every civilized society irrespective of caste, creed, religion, culture and geographical location the present study adopted Quantitative approach and non -experimental design. Using the non-probability purposive sampling technique, 80 wives of alcohol dependents were selected. Stigma was assessed using of affiliate stigma scale, the burden was assessed using of zarit burden interview scale, and quality of life was assessed using of WHOQOL-BREF scale. The stigma score among 80 wives of alcohol dependents, about 13(16.20%), was a moderate stigma, and 67(83.80%) were under severe stigma. The levels of burden score among 80 wives of alcohol dependents about 63(78.80%) of them were under mild to the moderate burden, 17(21.20%) of them were under moderate to severe burden, and the levels of quality of life among 80 wives of alcohol dependents about 24(30.00%) of them were under the poor quality of life 46(57.50%) of them were under the average quality of life, and 10(12.50%) of them were under the good quality of life. The correlation between stigma and burden among wives of alcohol dependents revealed that the mean score of stigma were 54.3 with a SD 4.8 and mean score of burden were 36.2 with a SD 5.7 and r-value 0.35 showed there was a weak positive correlation between stigma and burden among the wives of alcohol dependents at the level of 0.001which is highly significant, the correlation between stigma and quality of life among wives of alcohol dependents revealed that the mean score of stigma were 54.3 with a SD 4.8 and mean score of quality of life were 48.4 with a SD 11.1 and r-value 0.67 showed there was a moderate positive correlation between stigma and quality of life among the wives of alcohol dependents at the level of <0.001which is highly significant, and the correlation between burden and quality of life among wives of alcohol dependents revealed that the mean score of burden were 36.2 with a SD 5.7 and mean score of quality of life were 48.4 with a SD 11.1 and r-value 0.46 showed there was a moderate positive correlation between burden and quality of life among the wives of alcohol dependents at the level of <0.001which is highly significant. The study concludes a weak positive correlation between the stigma and burden among wives of alcohol dependents and a moderate positive correlation between the stigma and quality of life and burden and quality of life among wives of alcohol dependents.
Wives of alcohol dependents, Stigma, Burden, Quality of life, Alcohol
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