The Journey from Lecture Only to a Flipped Classroom

International Journal of Nursing and Health Science
© 2022 by SSRG - IJNHS Journal
Volume 8 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Susan Braud
How to Cite?

Susan Braud, "The Journey from Lecture Only to a Flipped Classroom," SSRG International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, vol. 8,  no. 2, pp. 21-25, 2022. Crossref,


Transitioning from a lecture to a flipped classroom involves flexibility, preparation, and continual learning for faculty. The flipped method involves pre-recording lectures and creating case studies, games, and discussions that encourage critical thinking and ownership of learning. A project was completed to determine the impact of implementing a flipped classroom method on first-semester undergraduate junior nursing students in a pharmacology course. A non-probability convenience sample was used that consisted of 94 students.
        The study's outcome revealed no significant statistical difference (p=.63) in the flipped class's exam grades students in the flipped class. This finding demonstrates that students can understand content regardless of the method of instruction. However, course evaluations illustrated a need to improve the method of delivery and learning activities. The flipped method has been continued in pharmacology and incorporated in the sophomore-level health assessment course. Evaluations with the adjustments and revisions illustrate student learning and satisfaction in the courses. Faculty need to assess and evaluate their courses to ensure learning continually.


Flipped class, Active learning, Pharmacology, Nursing education, NCLEX.


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