Relationship between Japanese Junior High School Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Stress

International Journal of Nursing and Health Science
© 2022 by SSRG - IJNHS Journal
Volume 8 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Yuka Hirai, Yuri Hashimoto, Satoshi Shimai
How to Cite?

Yuka Hirai, Yuri Hashimoto, Satoshi Shimai, "Relationship between Japanese Junior High School Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Stress," SSRG International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, vol. 8,  no. 3, pp. 7-13, 2022. Crossref,


This study examined Japanese junior high school students’ levels of emotional intelligence and stress, sex differences in the 2 items, and the relationship between them using the Emotional Intelligence Scale for Children (EQS_C) and Public Health Research Foundation Type Stress Inventory for Junior High School Students (PSI). We surveyed 206 first- to third-grade students from 2 Japanese junior high schools in November 2018 and June 2019. The analysis population consisted of 164 students. On comparing male students’’ and female students’ stress scores, female students’ score for the superior subscale was higher. On comparing male and female students’ emotional intelligence scores, there were no sex differences in any domain, but female students’ score for the corresponding factor [empathy] was higher. There was a significant negative correlation between emotional intelligence and stress. On comparing stress scores between the high and low score groups for each domain of emotional intelligence, the low score group’s score for was higher. Based on this, stress may be reduced by promoting emotional intelligence and improving stress-coping skills.


Emotional intelligence, EQS, Junior high school students, Stress, PSI.


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