Design and Implementation of Wireless Rehabilitation Aid for Tongue Disorders

International Journal of Pharmacy and Biomedical Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJPBE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Farhana Siddique, M. Saranya, M. Saranya Christabell and S. Prema |
How to Cite?
Farhana Siddique, M. Saranya, M. Saranya Christabell and S. Prema, "Design and Implementation of Wireless Rehabilitation Aid for Tongue Disorders," SSRG International Journal of Pharmacy and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 4-7, 2017. Crossref,
The tongue is a muscular hydrostat, which is a part of the oral cavity. The interaction of language with the palate is essential for the articulation of speech and swallowing of food. Patients with neurological disorders have impaired speech and swallowing problems. A device is envisioned to provide a non-invasive rehabilitation aid for speech and swallowing disorders in this work. The proposed device serves as both a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. The proposed device parameters are tongue pressure measurement and tongue color detection along with neuromodulation stimulator (tongue stimulator – therapeutic aid). The output, a waveform (tongue pressure), and an image (tongue color) are transmitted wirelessly outside the oral cavity to the computer. This device is used to investigate and quantify the degree of tongue disorder. Periodic rehabilitation therapies and the proposed device increase the chances of recovery of functional tongue disorders by 50% within a short interval of time.
Tongue pressure measurement, tongue color detection, tongue stimulator.
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