SSRG International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering ( IJPTE )

Editor in Chief | Dr. Mohd Rozi Ahmad, |
Department in Textile Technology, | |
University Technology Mara, | |
Malaysia. | |
ISSN | 2394-2592 |
Publication Frequency | 3 Issue per Year |
Publisher | Seventh Sense Research Group® |
Paper Submission id | |
SSRG International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering ( SSRG - IJPTE ) is a scholarly double-blind peer-reviewed research publishing Journal.
Aim and Scope:
SSRG International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering - IJPTE is a Journal from bouquet of Seventh Sense Research Group which dedicated to the latest advancement of Polymer and Textile domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. IJPTE is an ambitious to disseminate information and experience in education, practice and investigation between polimer, fibric and all the sciences involved in textile. The journal focuses on the international exchange of knowledge in polymer and textile sciences. The journal publishes peer-reviewed papers on original research, education. By encouraging scholars from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise, the journal aims to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the lived experience of polymer & textile engineering and the opportunity to enrich their own area of practice.
IJPTE emphasizes on efficient and effective Polymer and Textile Engineering, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. IJPTE is a peer review open access journal with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Polymer and Textile Engineering. The journal also emphasizes all prospective & applications of Polymer and Textile and promulgates both the original research papers and industrial experience-analysis studies and reports with a view to provide scholarly research in original research papers and real time innovations, development and advancement in different disciplines of Polymer and Textile Engineering in industries
The scope of the journal covers Research Articles, Review Articles, Methodology Articles, Short Communications, Case Study/ Case Reports, Research Reports, Monographs, Special Issues, Editorials research articles, Reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in all the areas of Polymer and Textile Engineering. Multidisciplinary types of articles are also encouraged in this journal which brings together articles from multiple technical backgrounds.
Papers are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics:
- Activated Carbon Fiber and Textiles
- Advanced Textile Materials
- Applications of Nonwovens in Technical Textiles
- Artificial Turf
- Biomaterials
- Bio-Plastics
- Coatings, Surfaces and Interfaces
- Composites and High-Performance Materials
- Functionalisation of Textile Materials
- Green Textiles and Environmental Sustainability
- Nanotechnology
- Organic Electronics and Energy
- Polymer Additives
- Polymer Physics and Engineering
- Polymer Solar Cells
- Polymer Technology
- Polyolefin Reaction Engineering
- Smart Textiles
- Stimuli-Responsive Materials
- Sustainable Materials
- Synthetic Methodology
- Waterproof and Water Repellent Textiles and Clothing
- Woven Composites
- Yarn Texturing Technology
Authors Geographical Coverage :
Japan, USA, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, India, China, Canada, Turkey, etc.