Screening of Hybrid Cotton Varieties Suitable for Medical Textiles

International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJPTE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : S.G.Gaikwad |
How to Cite?
S.G.Gaikwad, "Screening of Hybrid Cotton Varieties Suitable for Medical Textiles," SSRG International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 4-9, 2019. Crossref,
The present research work was conducted to analyse the cotton fiber quality parameters of high micronaire value for the selection of surgical cotton .The hybrid cotton varieties were planted and grown at breeder farm saloowardha, 30 varieties were identified for the screening of bleached cotton properties. These cotton varieties are screened for fiber length, fiber maturity, fiber length, fiber strength and fiber elongation.
Among the 30 cotton varieties the CV% was 5.48%, 1.81%, and 7.30% for micronaire, maturity and fiber length, respectively .Highly significant positive correlation was identified between Fibermicronaire and fiber maturity (r=0.721), while highly significant negative correlation was found between the fibermicronaire and fiber length (r= - 0.657).Fiber Maturity with fiber length was negatively and significantly correlated (r= - 0.427). A principal component analysis is performed by using Minitab software on the fibermicronaire, fiber maturity, fiber length, fiber strength, and fiber elongation. Factor 1 has large positive loadings on Micronaire, Maturity and Elongation and small loading on length and strength. Factor 2 has a large positive loading on Len and Elg and small loadings on Micronaire, Maturity and Strength.
On the basis of screening, HICE, DEOR, CGC2, GAC4, GAC5, G3CM varieties with better sinking time and water holding capacities were identified. Variety ID DEOR, CERM, GAC5 , DHMC, GCCC, DEHY, GCC2 and GC45 are the most suitable cotton varieties for medical textiles with high micronaire value, less fiber length and low SCI. Cotton breeder can developed these varieties and encourage farmer and surgical manufacture to use these varieties for producing bleached cotton and which will boost the surgical cotton industry.
Surgical cotton, breeder, medical textile, spinning consistency index, sinking time ,water holding capacity, micronaire ,maturity.
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