Antibacterial Properties of Plant-Based Textiles
International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJPTE Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Nsangou Abdouramane, Nkemaja Dydimus Efeze, Pierre Marcel Anicet Noah, Fabien Ebanda Betene, Hambaté Gomdjé Valery, Yaka Nsasso Rhode christelle, Mewoli Armel |
How to Cite?
Nsangou Abdouramane, Nkemaja Dydimus Efeze, Pierre Marcel Anicet Noah, Fabien Ebanda Betene, Hambaté Gomdjé Valery, Yaka Nsasso Rhode christelle, Mewoli Armel, "Antibacterial Properties of Plant-Based Textiles," SSRG International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-5, 2021. Crossref,
The current trend of increasing respect for nature requires biodegradability of textiles and non-polluting products for textile finishing. The present study aims to make a synthesis of the knowledge on antimicrobial plant-based textiles and natural antibacterial treatment of textiles in the literature. The methodology carried out was to search articles, theses, and dissertations available in databases such as (Science Direct, EiCompendex, Inspec and Web of Science, and Google scholar) that deal with the issue of antibacterial textiles of plant origin. The results obtained show two types of textiles: natural antibacterial and non-natural antibacterial. Many antibacterial test works show that E coli is a bacterium that is inhibited by many natural antibacterial textile fibers. A non-antibacterial textile can become antibacterial after treatment with natural antibacterial substances. Also, an antibacterial fiber can be reinforced with antibacterial properties by other antibacterial agents. Several antibacterial substances have been proposed for the antibacterial treatment of textiles, namely: tea tree oil, Neem, eucalyptus oil, and albizia extracts, but have not yet been tested.
Antibacterial textile, antibacterial plant textile, and antibacterial textile agents
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